As they stated on Google webmaster central, they dislike paid links but they recognize that they are part of the natural way people do transactions online. Banner ads, direct references, sponsored stories, they all are paid links. The solution according to G is to indicate that you disavow the page rank transfer by using the rel&2#82=1;nofollow” tag in each of the hyperlinks.Yet, this leads me to a question for you Alex… Do you think that in the future Google will consider nofollow links for seo value?? [url=]cxhxjhd[/url] [link=]rizauypk[/link]

I feel like you could probably teach a class on how to make a great blog. This is fatcistan! I have to say, what really got me was your design. You certainly know how to make your blog more than just a rant about an issue. Youve made it possible for people to connect. Good for you, because not that many people know what theyre doing. [url=]qouumasicmz[/url] [link=]xoiaznf[/link]