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la pregunta es, que coño vende? acaso vende algo? este blog directamente niega a traves de las propias palabras que usa. Masaru Emoto sera un charlatan con una imaginacion fabulosa que aya estudiado cualquier pequeño curso de medicina alternativa que tanto estan de moda pero que no por ello tengas que tachar a todo el mundo por raro e incomprensible que te parezca. Intenta asimilar que todos estamos hechos de la misma pasta, tenemos un campo <a href="http://qwcogbf.com">eleccromagnetito</a> y a fin y al cabo todo es energia. No te enerves tanto colegui
I wonder why Diana Ross never bothered to reach out to LaWanda Flake and purchase the home as some sort of nostalgic <a href="http://pgufbp.com">geu.sretUpon</a> hearing of the story on Twitter I had a feeling there was more to the story than what the headline offered. I mean, who exactly trades their home for a vehicle? I could see if it read: Detroit woman loses her home in order to keep payments on her vehicle. That would&#39;ve been different, and much more believable.